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Saturday, May 14, 2011

On the eve of my next challenge.

“@Destroyer140_6: @stacy6868 Have a great time at your race this weekend! Dont forget to apply everything you learned from April's Half.”

This tweet got me thinking; what exactly did I learn and how can I apply this to

The number one thing I learned was I am tough and even when I felt
Like I couldn't make it, I just kept going and refused to quit.

Take the swim one buoy at a time. Stay relaxed, swim easy, and don't be afraid to roll on back to compose myself if anxiety erupts. Mainly approach the swim with a relaxed mind wanting to enjoy the experience. I also learned that even though I had a serious anxiety attack in Galveston; I still finished swim and finished whole race in my goal time.


I really enjoyed the bike portion of Galveston 70.3. I realized at this race that even though I was a runner first, I now feel my strength in the three events is greatest on the bike! This pleases me. I also learned after starting my run that I should have dialed back the bike just a tad. My heart rate at Galveston was around 166-169. My top zone 2 is 157. So I stayed in zone 3 for my bike portion. I felt this in the run later. I will try and stay at or under 163 for Sunday's bike. We will see how I feel on the run.


I learned that it is ok to walk through water stops. I also learned not to drink at all
Of them. I will pour water but only drink when I'm thirsty. I am prepared for a tough run again, but also hope it's better than Galveston.

I am Duplicating my nutrition and hydration on bike from
Galveston as it worked for me!

I will have a race report for the TexasMan X-50 tri!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

2011 Galveston 70.3 Race Report

This is my very first race report; what an adventure this last 8 months has been!

I arrived in Galveston on Wednesday before the race. I hate to be rushed or late for anything, so this was needed to stay calm as possible.

Wednesday night in the hotel room I made lists for every day I was in Galveston, these lists helped keep me calm, I would check off the items as I completed them and had no worries I was forgetting anything.

Thursday I did a zone-1 ride for 1 hour down the seawall. Was able to get a feel for the wind to expect on race day.  After my ride I cleaned up and went to expo for packet pickup. I was the 2nd person to get my packet. LOL! I'm thinking maybe a little anxious! Went to swim at gym pool in the evening. Just a 30 minute easy swim.

Friday was an exciting day, My team was pulling into town! There were 20 of us racing this weekend. I met up with most of my team-mates and walked with them while they got their race packets. I felt like a little kid! I called it an early night and went to room to try to rest (which did NOT happen).

Saturday morning was my brick; this consisted of 20 min bike, followed by a ten minute run. What a SNAFU! I hit a large piece of granite from the seawall with my front tire about 3 minutes into ride. Grateful I did not fly over front handlebars I pulled over to the side to inspect my tire and wheel. Not really sure what to look for being the novice I am; haha! Seemed fine, still had air. I mounted my bike and continued on my way. 6 more minutes and I am flat! I've changed two flats with relative ease before, this today was not the case. I was like a monkey with a stick! Thank goodness my coaches, Tim & Tamara saw me on the side of the road! Tim changed my tube for me and then the new tube exploded! He got the 2nd tube to hold but suggested I get new tire and tube at expo. I purchased 2 tires, tubes and replaced rim tape on front rim. All installed and ready for bike drop off at 4pm!

Awoke at 3.45am,

left hotel at 4:30am. Drive to race and am detoured from where i had planned in my mind I was going to park. Did a little freaking out as my husband brought me back to calm. :)

AM Transition Setup
I prepared the night before so was confident with having what I needed for the set up.

Here is how it looked after I was done

Now I will Hurry up and wait! I am in the last swim wave which is scheduled to depart the pier at 8:45am. I chill out at tent with my other team mates who are also in a later wave.

I have kept positive self talk about this swim. I have no problem swimming 1950 meters in a pool but as I have figured out from my most recent open water adventures it is a WHOLE different ball game! We are lined up on the pier, I am still calm and have a positive outlook. We jump in one by one as instructed and bob in water waiting for start, I am still positive and calm at this point. 

We are off, I am swimming, thinking "ok, I can do this!" Then I get bumped, pushed, thrown off kilter! Now I am FREAKING! lol

I have made it to MAYBE the second buoy and this enters my head; "I signed up for the FULL?!?!?!?!?!" This is where the hysteria sets in! I can laugh now, but holy cow I went into full anxiety attack mode! I am struggling and swimming like someone is chasing me, and making very slow progress due to all this hysteria. I make the first turn and see my first orange buoy, I look down the line and this is no more comforting! There are shit loads of the orange bastards! I continue in this unproductive manner for 24 minutes. This is when I roll onto my back and ORDER my self to get my shit together! About that time a rolling wave tries to drown me with sea water. Ok, off my back! I assess my situation and decide the only thing for me to do is swim ONE buoy at a time! I'm only worried about the closest buoy. When I reached it, I did a quick cheer and then I started my attack on the next one! This got me to the shore in 53 minutes. I had a goal of 45 minutes because this is my time in the pool. I did not take into account waves and terror! 

I exited the water with my fists clinched and in the air, I believe I said something like "I survived!" to the gentleman at the shore. LMFAO!!!
OK, I see people running from the swim to T1. I decide instantly I will be using this time to re-compose myself and I walk.  I rinse salt water off well as instructed by my coach, but for some reason this looks more like a porno! When I see the picture my husband had taken I have a vision of people making their children turn their heads! See for your self... 

What a start to an interesting day!
T1 goes pretty smooth, 7 minutes with my walk and shower scene and I'm off on the bike.


Bike start is awesome, I have no problems clipping in! My hubby snapped this of me at the bike start
This is the Smile of a person that is SOOOOO glad to be out of the water!
I start out and look down at my timex global trainer and the heart rate says 60! Ok, no friggin' way! So before i even get out of Moody Gardens area I pull over to assess the situation. I must have HR monitoring!!!
Lesson # 1 - Dont wear HR monitor on swim, all that water is not good for reception.

I remove heart rate strap and then put it back in place, and voila; I have a HR! Shew! I am off again.

I make it onto seawall and see my sister waiting to cheer me on, she get this interesting photo of me. :)

Im feeling good, through the whole bike I maintain 155 to 166 HR. Being in the last wave has helped on the bike. I pass zillions and am only passed by one! This is exactly the confidence booster that I need after that nail biting swim!

I am on time with my fluids and my nutrition. My cookie idea was an epic failure. The humidity made them so mushy I couldn't grab them from my bento box. Thank goodness i listened to Tim and had plenty of back up goos and clif bars! 

Lesson # 2 - I hate my cages. I had the most god awful time getting an empty bottle into them. The bottle would crunch up and not go into cage. 

REMEMBER my TIRE issues?
Mile 55.5, I have a FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTH? Ok, I assess the situation. It is in fact close enough to run my bike in, but wait...... I seem to be moving forward fine on this flat tire. Ok, I am riding this flat tire in, I will buy a new rim if need be! 

Lesson # 3 - on a flat, take the turns VERY slow! LOL. I made it to bike dismount on my flat! Yipeeee!!!

My Goal was 16.5 mph, my actual was 17.5 mph! :)

This went much smoother, 4 minute time! The run has begun!


Never under estimate the draining power of a 1.2 mile swim, followed by a 56 mile bike ride faster than you have ever gone.

I am instantly overtaken by nausea! I see Tim at the tent and tell him this. He instructs me to walk through the water stops. OK; I hear .... Walk through ALL water stops and drink at ALL of them! LOL 
See here, one of my FIVE potty breaks:
I am glad for these water stops as I literally ran water stop to water stop! There was much internal arguing going on at this time and I would only allow my self a break at these water stops!

Lesson # 4 - You don't have to drink at all water stops, you can poor water on your self and retrieve a new sponge.

Oh my sponge. I held it like a security blanket! I loved my sponge, as you can see in the picture above it was with me even in the porta potty!

My husband was wonderful! he made the experience better, he even ran with me a little on each loop and gave me a pep talk.
Notice the sponge! Left hand

Here is another picture of me on the run:
My loyal sponge!

If you look closely, I have it!

My goal was 11 min pace. It took me 2:31, so that is 11 something!

Here is me at the finish after a good cry!
I have my sponge! hehe!

I had a total race time goal of 6:30 to under 7 hours, I made my goal with 6:47!

Me and my coach after I finished
Was this the hardest thing I have ever done? YES
Was it rewarding to grand levels? YES
Would I do it again? HELL YES!
Matter of fact; 
140.6 is in my sights! 

See you in Tempe!

Bike Pick up!

Friday, April 8, 2011


Im more shocked than anyone! I have always had negative self talk, Ive often quit before starting, Ive many times been scared of failure to the point of not trying.

Then in 2009 the Ironman bug started churning in my guts. Not sure where this came from, I have never been athletic. Quite the contrary; any exertion that made me pant was not for me! 10 years earlier I coveted runners, and so wanted to be one. My laziness would not allow me off the couch to see this fantasy come to reality.

Then in October 2008 I TOLD myself I WAS going to be a runner! I did not allow any conversation or debate. I did not allow any excuses or reasons WHY this would not work. I was a stubborn child! Just like that {snap} I was a runner!

This personal achievement is what dropped the first dominoe for my current journey. I was at San Antonio Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon 2009; this was to be my first half marathon and my LAST Ciggarette! (Yes I was smoking and running) At this race I saw the most awesome thing.......... An M-DOT tattoo'd on a calf with many tick marks below it. The gentleman was in his 60's! This is when I realized I have NO limits!

I wanted to start pushing myself. I wanted to know; where is my breaking point? Do I have a breaking point? Do any of us really have a breaking point?

This is the most important thing I have gained so far with my journey towards the Ironman; So far as I can see I only have a breaking point when I give up! The only thing that can stop me is me! So the opposite must be true......... If I say I can do it, then damn well I CAN do it!

Im sad sometimes when I realize how long it took me to figure this out, I wonder what else I could have done in life if I was the person I am today.. THEN!

I then remind myself that I am so grateful to have this today that it does NOT matter what might of been, only what WILL be!

Sunday is my First 1/2 Ironman! Only 6 more months and I will COMPLETE the full Ironman Arizona!

Its hard to believe its ONLY been 2.5 years, and that its ALREADY been 2.5 years!


Im so excited to see what tomorrow brings!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18, 2010 BIKE


3:30 pm

2:15:43 - 32.07 miles - avg mph 14.22

negative split, did not turn around until 1:17 minutes. Wind on the back pushed my little bike home

January 17, 2010 RUN


1:30:01 - 7.9 miles - 11:23 pace

nice late night run
1:20 am

Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 16, 2010 SWIM CLINIC


(100 fs, 100 pull, 100 kick X 2)

400m Iron Pace

(100 fast, 100 slow, 100 slower, 100 slowest)

300m Iron Pace

(25 fast, 50 moderate x 2)

100m Iron Pace

(25 fast x 4)

100m cool

2300 meters

January 14, 2010 BIKE


90 minutes on stationary bike.

January 13, 2010 SWIM


Treadmill  45 Minutes


600 drills

1800 meters

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 11, 2010 BIKE/SWIM



80 minutes on stationary bike


60 minutes

500 warm
600 Drills
500 Meters
400 meters

2000 meters

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 10, 2010 RUN TEMPO


1:20:32- 80 minutes
slow. 25:15 - 2.25 miles - 11:13 pace
Fast. 29:40 - 3.15 miles - 9:25 pace
Slow. 25:38 - 2.40 miles - 10:40 pace

Met with eve earlier. Excited about that. Run felt really good.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 9, 2010 SWIM CLINIC


1:20 minutes

200 pull
100 Kick

1200 -
(400 as 100 fast, 100 slow, 100 slower, 100 slowest) DO THREE TIMES

300 -
(25 drill - 25 freestyle) DO SIX TIMES

200 -
(50 all out, 30 sec rest) DO FOUR TIMES

50 cool

2350 Meters

Felt very god today!

First day that i have felt like 100% emotionally and energy wise! Thank goodness! That was a horrible abyss of blahs!

January 8, 2010 BIKE CLINIC


Very interesting and informative. When the lecture was complete i did not have enough time to go for the ride. Tomorrow is swim clinic

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 7, 2010 SWIM



500 warm
600 drills
500 freestyle
400 freestyle

2000 meters total

Felt a little better today, my breathing is better and i feel less heavy in the water. I would say i'm at 70% where i was before xmas! Not bad for two days. A few (3) more weeks and ill be where i Left off at again!

Well so far so good! Been so depressed i haven't even tracked my workouts. Tomorrow is bike clinic, then sunday is swim clinic! So i will have worked out 6 days this week.

Next week i will have same success!

MY DIET IS SO FUCKED! Meet with eve on monday. Thank the easter bunny!

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 5, 2010 SWIM


400m warm
600m of drills
200 cool

1200m total

OK, never go without swimming. For the warmup i felt SLUGGISH, HEAVY AND UNGRACEFUL!

After my drills i started feeling better, but still not 100%

Glad to be back in water, i even had a nightmare i couldn't swim anymore!